The past few days I seem to be running short on time. I realize I'm not alone in this. Time is fleeting and we have so little of it. My biggest problem is that I've never valued my time. This is because I've never thought of time as something I own. Time is a construct of humans and time does not pass. We pass. This week has passed exceptionally quickly.
Today, Wednesday is all but over and I didn't complete even half the things I wanted to finish. I started a new workout program this week. For the longest time, I've followed a basic minimum 3-day a week workout plan, on a push-pull split. Every now and then though you have to change it up. So, I found one that is different from anything I've tried in the past. The biggest difference is the number of reps. I didn't realize it before I started but the rep count for some of the lifts is around 150. That's right, 5 sets of 30 reps. This has me using a very low weight for each lift. Bench press for instance, I used 100lbs for a total of 122 reps. I couldn't make it to 150. I also couldn't finish the workout. With that many reps and sets for each of the lifts (there were 8) the workout was taking a lot longer than usual. I made it through 5 of the lifts before leaving early because I still had things I needed to get done. Things that I planned to do while watching the debate, which had already started.
I have tried moving my workouts to mornings in the past with little success. I know the benefits of physical activity in the morning are numerous. However, each time I have tried it, I end up pulling something or hyperextending something else. I'm sure this is the result of poor stretching and poor motor skills at such an hour. I have a high chance of spilling an entire cup of coffee every day just because I will knock it over when grasping clumsily. I need time for the sleep to fall off me like a weighted blanket. Still, I may give it a shot once again to see if I can make it work. In which case I will have to bump up this late-night blogging as well.